
Developing Intensive Courses Abroad

Faculty ICAs

Drexel University has many different types of study abroad programs for all disciplines that span over 30 countries. Program lengths vary from one week to one year abroad.

Full-Term Programs

Full-term programs are classified as free standing or exchange. Free standing programs are designed specifically for study abroad purposes, where students from Drexel take courses with students from other American universities. Exchange programs immerse students fully in the host university life and culture, allow students to take courses with local students and faculty, and encourage participation in local campus activities. In addition to sending students, Drexel also welcomes incoming exchange students from our international partners. For more information about full-term programs, please contact the Education Abroad team at studyabroad@drexel.edu.

Intensive Courses Abroad

Shorter programs, called Intensive Courses Abroad (ICAs), offer students the opportunity to have an international academic experience led by a Drexel faculty director, in conjunction with an on campus course before and/or after travelICAs include activities such as guest lectures, industry visits, and other hands-on events that transform the city into a living laboratory. ICAs generally span from 7-10 days during break weeks. Questions? Please review this information sheet and contact Ahaji Schreffler at ahaji@drexel.edu. More information about Safety and Security for Program Development can be found here. 

ICAs require the following items:


  • ICA Program Form
  • ICA Course Syllabus
  • ICA Program Itinerary
  • ICA Budget
  • Read Program Leader Responsibilities Guide


Faculty Testimonials