Mission Statement

The Drexel Founding Collection serves as a cultural and educational resource for Drexel University and the greater community by preserving and enhancing the elements of the collection through conservation, interpretation and exhibition increasing the enjoyment and enrichment of both the University and the general public.

To that end, the following activities are priorities of the Drexel Founding Collection:

  • To function as the steward of the objects within the Drexel Founding Collection overseeing its management and establishing appropriate operating procedures for the collection.
  • Ensure accurate and complete documentation for all objects in the collection.
  • Encourage the use of the items in the collection for educational and research purposes.
  • Provide direct and sustained access to original works of fine and decorative art in the collection.
  • Raise awareness of the funds needed to enhance and preserve the Drexel Founding Collection as well as establish opportunities for the collection to function as a development resource for the University.