Registration Holds and Restrictions

If you are having trouble registering for classes, it may be because of a course restriction or a hold on your account. View the information below to see if it is applicable to your situation.

Registration Holds

Holds are placed on a student's account for different reasons and by different University offices. Some of the holds a student can receive will prevent future term registration until the hold is resolved.

Reviewing Holds in DrexelOne

To determine if there is a hold placed on your account:

  • Log in to DrexelOne.
  • Any hold placed on your account will be listed in the Academic Alerts channel in the top left section of the screen.

The hold information listed in DrexelOne will list a contact person for the hold on your account. Once the hold has been resolved, you should be able to register for courses.

Registration Restrictions

Courses can sometimes carry certain restrictions designed to ensure appropriate registration. When you enter in the Course Reference Number (CRN) to register for a course online, if there is a restriction, you will receive an error message. The error message will indicate you do not meet certain criteria and therefore cannot register for the course.

The status column identifies the type of registration restrictions for each CRN. You can resolve some errors yourself (i.e., select an open section of a course), but others will require that you see your academic advisor.

Specific registration restrictions include:

  • Closed Section
  • Permission Required - i.e., Department approval
  • Restrictions
    • College Restriction - i.e., College of Business only
    • Major Restriction - i.e., Business Majors only
    • Class Restriction - i.e., Seniors only
    • Level Restriction - i.e., Graduate-level students only
  • Time Conflict
  • Prerequisite/Test Score Error - Necessary requirements to take the current course
  • Co-requisite Errors - i.e., EXAM 080
  • Link Error - i.e., Multiple Course Sections (i.e., lab, recitation, lecture, etc.)
  • Max Hours Exceeded
  • Repeat Course
Error Description
Closed Section A closed section status supersedes all other errors, meaning any other registration error may be hidden behind it. This status indicates that the section is full to its maximum seating.

Possible next steps: Add yourself to the waitlist, select a section that is not full, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.

When adding yourself to a waitlist, please check to see if there are other course restrictions that may apply.
Permission Required The following status messages indicate that permission is required from a department or person in order to register for that section of the course:
  • Department
  • Dean
  • Advisor
  • Honor's Program Director
  • Instructor
  • Instructor & College
  • Program Director
Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Level Restriction A level restriction status indicates that only students of a certain level (either undergraduate or graduate) can register for the course or that particular section of the course.

Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
College Restriction A college restriction status indicates that only students of a certain college or school can register for the course or that particular section of the course.

Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Major Restriction A major restriction status indicates that only students with a certain major can register for the course or that particular section of the course.

Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Class Restriction A class restriction status indicates that only students of a certain class (such as junior or senior) can register for the course or that particular section of the course.

Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Campus Restriction Only students from a certain campus can register for the section/course (i.e., Online students only). Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Time Conflict A time conflict occurs when the course displaying this status message is offered at a time that conflicts or overlaps with a course for which you’ve already registered.

Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Co-Requisite A co-requisite status occurs when another course must be taken during the same term as the course displaying the error.

Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Prerequisite/Test Score A prerequisite and test score error for a course or section indicates that a specific course or courses must be completed prior to registering for the course displaying the error. Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Link Error A link error occurs when a course has multiple parts (i.e., lecture, lab, and/or recitation) that must be taken in conjunction with one another. Although these parts have unique CRNs, they are one complete course when taken together. Only one part of the course, the lecture if applicable, will be associated with a grade and credits. The lab and/or recitation that must be taken with it will have zero credits and will not receive a unique grade.
  • Lectures have sections like A, B, C, etc., and link identifiers of L1, L2, L3, etc., depending on how many lectures with unique times are being offered. Each number in the series (L1, L2, L3, etc.) has a specific set of lab and/or recitation sections that can be taken with it.
  • Lab series have section numbers like 061, 061, 063, etc., and have link identifiers of Z1, Z2, Z3, etc.
  • Recitation series have section numbers like 001, 002, 003, etc., and have link identifiers of R1, R2, R3, etc.
To correct a link error, register for courses with common link identifiers (i.e., L1, Z1, R1 or L3, Z3, R3).

Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Max Hours Exceeded Full-time undergraduate students may only register for up to 20 maximum credits per term at the University. Any credits registered over the 20 maximum credits limit will be billed on per-credit basis.

Possible next steps: Undergraduate students should review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.

All students that are billed on a per-credit basis will need to consult with their academic advisors in order to increase the amount of credits the student may register for per term.

Graduate students at Drexel University may only register for up to a maximum of 12 credit hours for a term. If you want to register for more than 12 credits, you will need to consult with your advisor and the Graduate College in order to proceed with registering for more than the maximum credit hours.
Student Attributes Only a specific set of students can register for the section/course (e.g., Learning Community Students only).

Possible next steps: Review the course information and read the restrictions, select a section that does not have a restriction, or select another course. If the suggestions above are not applicable, please discuss the matter with your academic advisor.
Repeat Courses Students who need to register for courses that are non-repeatable will require advisor assistance to register for the repeated course section. Please see the University Repeat Policy for more information.

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