Citizen, Soldier, Diplomat: An Exhibition on the Life and Career of Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, Jr.

This exhibition is no longer on view
Rincliffe Gallery & Anthony J. Drexel Picture Gallery, Drexel Main Building, 3rd Floor

Video made possible with the support of Drexel University Libraries.

Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, Jr., the great-grandson of A.J. Drexel, was an impressive member of the Drexel family as a citizen, soldier and diplomat. He was a popular topic in society columns. Labeled best-dressed man on multiple occasions, he is well-known for his particular attire, with the most recent "best-dressed" nomination in 2017. He was an athlete and business man and played a major part in the founding of the Palm Beach Bath & Tennis Club. 

As a soldier, he served in the U.S. Army during World War I and World War II rising to the rank of brigadier general. He was also an influential member of General Dwight D. Eisenhower's staff on both SHAEF and SHAPE.

An incredibly talented diplomat, Biddle started his career in the State Department as ambassador to Norway in 1935. He was then appointed ambassador to Poland in 1937 and through his handling of the German invasion of Poland in 1939 and the beginnings of World War II, he was appointed ambassador to not only the Polish government-in-exile, but also ambassador extraordinaire and minister plenipotentiary to all other countries in exile including Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Greece, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Luxembourg. His final appointment was as ambassador to Spain in 1961.

Through personal artifacts, diaries, photographs, contemporaneous magazines, daily planners, memos and letters, this exhibition explores the political, military and personal life of the Citizen, Soldier, Diplomat: Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, Jr.

All pieces in the exhibition are from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Biddle III, unless otherwise stated.

This exhibition closed December 18, 2020.

Bay 1 Biddle exhibition diplomat, embassy tables


Diplomat, Rincliffe Gallery