You're Invited to a Very Drexel Tea Party
Thursday, March 15, 2018
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Please join us Thursday, March 15 from 6–8 p.m. in the Anthony J. Drexel Picture Gallery for a prohibition tea party and lecture to celebrate our current exhibition Holding Your Drink: 3,000 Years of Drinking Vessels from the Drexel and Salzberg Collections. Lloyd Ackert, PhD, an associate teaching professor in the College of Arts and Sciences’ department of history and director of the Emerging Scholars Program, will highlight objects displayed in the exhibition to explore the relationship between their aesthetic properties as well as their historical context.
After the talk, join Ackert, an experienced home brewer, in a “Build-a-Beer” exercise. Then, you can customize your own beer with select ingredients like malts, hops and spices. Afterwards, you can put your nose to the test by using your olfactory powers to figure out what other people added to their beers. The winning recipe (based on a poll) will be specially brewed by Ackert.
The event is at capacity and registration has been closed.
The exhibition runs from December 8, 2017 through March 16, 2018 and is free and open to the public.
Contact Information
Lynn Clouser