CPHRC supports social service agency leadership symposium held by SEPA VOAD

Tom Hipper, CPHRC Program Manager, and Dr. Esther Chernak, CPHRC director, assisted the Southeastern Pennsylvania Voluntary Organizations in Disaster (SEPA VOAD) to convene a day-long planning summit for human service agency leadership in southeastern Pennsylvania on June 10, 2014. The summit took place on the campus of Arcadia University in Glenside, Pennsylvania. The summit included leaders from major social service organizations and government agencies across the 5-county Philadelphia metropolitan area and featured Mr. Peter Gudaitis from the New York Disaster Interfaith Services as a plenary speaker. Dr. Esther Chernak presented the findings from a white paper defining the roles and impact of social service agency involvement in disaster response; she and Mr. Hipper coordinated break-out sessions to develop ideas and next steps for human service agency involvement in regional emergency preparedness.