CPHRC Welcomes Sewell Fund Fellow Jennifer Lege-Matsuura

October 3, 2019 — The CPHRC is the recipient of a 2019/2020 Sewell Fund Learning Partnership. The Sewell Fund Learning Partnership provides funding for a health care librarian or information scientist to spend approximately a year in the environment of a host organization.

The program places experienced librarians and information professionals in health care or research organizations so that both partners gain a better understanding of how information sciences can be effectively applied in health science environments.

Ms. Jennifer Lege-Matsuura has been selected for the CPHRC Sewell Fund Learning Partnership. She will work with the Drexel CPHRC to develop tools and messages to assist families with special health care needs as they prepare for emergencies. She will also assist with diversitypreparedness.org, the Center’s resource center for preparing culturally diverse communities and spend time at the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s (PDPH) Public Health Preparedness Program, where she will assist with organizing information and training resources for the PDPH staff and external stakeholders including the Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps.

As part of her experience, Ms. Lege-Matsuura will work with the CPHRC research team, analyzing research data and conducting focus groups of health care providers and families with special health challenges to guide development of preparedness materials. She will also participate in community emergency preparedness exercises at PDPH.