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Victoria Gallogly, MPH

Victoria Gallogly, MPH (she/her/hers)

Outreach & Communication Manager

Ms. Victoria Gallogly is the Outreach and Communication Manager for the Center for Firefighter Injury Research and Safety Trends (FIRST). She managers the FIRST Center's website, press, and social media, while assisting with day-to-day research activities at the FIRST Center related to research, education, and practice dissemination.

She began her tenure at FIRST in 2019 as a part-time undergraduate research assistant. She also spent her full-time spring/summer 2020 co-op experience with FIRST. During this time, her work on planning, drafting, and disseminating research recruitment campaign materials for the COVID-19 RAPID Mental Health Assessment (RAPID) and the final 2020 quarter of the EMERG project was essential.

In the summer of 2021, Ms. Gallogly participated in the Firefighter Injury Research, Epidemiology, and Evaluation (FIRE) Fellowship. During this full-time immersive experience, she worked with a team of other graduate students to develop a preliminary draft of the Workplace Violence Prevention for First Responders course as part of a contract with the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). She gained experience with developing educational materials and collecting stakeholder feedback while engaging them in the intervention development process.

For her master's thesis, Ms. Gallogly conducted mixed methods communications research to examine gaps in media reporting on workplace violence against first responders as part of her Integrated Learning Experience (ILE).

In addition to her appointment at the FIRST Center, Ms. Gallogly has served as a teaching assistant and adjunct co-instructor for Injury Prevention and Control, a hybrid undergraduate and graduate course. In this role, she co-facilitated in-class instruction and digital learning through Blackboard, educating students about the fundamentals of injury prevention as it relates to protecting and promoting environmental and occupational health.

In her day-to-day activities, Ms. Gallogly works with stakeholders in the fire service, academic, and media worlds to disseminate FIRST Center announcements, research findings, and interventions. This comes in the form of press releases, social media posts, magazine publications, and other deliverables. She is also involved in survey development, research recruitment and retention efforts, and champion toolkit construction for the Fire service Organizational Culture of Safety (FOCUS) survey; the Combination and Volunteer Assessment of Safety (CANVAS) program; and projects related to Workforce Development & Work Environment in the fire and rescue service.

Ms. Gallogly is a graduate of the Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health accelerated BS/MPH degree program, receiving her Bachelor of Science in Public Health with a minor in Communication in 2021 and her Master of Public Health in Environmental and Occupational Health with a minor in Communication, Culture, and Media in 2022. She is currently pursuing a Master of Library and Information Sciences with a concentration in Library Services from the Drexel University College of Computing and Informatics and expects to graduate in 2026.