Office of University and Community Partnerships
Drexel’s Commitment to Civic Engagement
When Anthony J. Drexel laid the foundation for our University, he knew that urban institutions have a unique mission to bring students, faculty, and their community together. That is why Drexel is so committed to civic engagement: it’s in our DNA. Coming together to build bridges between our students, faculty, and neighbors is built into our history, and is vital to our present as a collaborating partner with our neighbors and local community organizations.
The defining concept for the Office of University & Community Partnerships is that we are not just in the community, we are a part of it, and much of our work is in creative collaboration with our campus neighbors. The Office guides Drexel’s efforts to be the most civically-engaged University in the United States, a commitment we made as an anchor institution to the Philadelphia community and particularly the neighborhoods closest to our campus.
Select Office Initiatives

Civic Engagement by the Numbers

$95 million in local and diverse procurement annually.
Drexel is 1 of only 16 private institutions holding both R1 (very high research activity) and Community Engagement Carnegie Classifications.
22,000+ Meals shared with neighbors since 2014 through monthly Community Dinners at the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships.