Civic engagement is applied learning

This was one of the most meaningful courses I have taken at Drexel and has given me a lasting understanding and tools to use after class ends.

What is Civic Engagement?

At Drexel, civic engagement is our unwavering commitment to building a shared, equitable future together with the communities we inhabit, where everyone can flourish, from the neighborhoods closest to our University to the global community. It is the core value that guides our mission as an urban anchor institution. Civic engagement is integrated into all aspects of our University: from academics and research to student life and athletics, and from our partnership with local organizations to the improvement of our institutional practices.

The Office of University & Community Partnerships has a central coordinating role, supporting the civic engagement missions of our colleges and schools, and convening networks of partners around local priorities.

Academic Engagement

Civic engagement is applied learning: it puts our students and faculty together with neighborhood partners, both here in West Philadelphia and with key partners around the world, building civic identities as they work together in creative collaboration around issues of shared importance.


The Lindy Center for Civic Engagement serves as a hub for Drexel students and employees to find volunteer opportunities in the community. Pathways are available for most every interest and skillset — including helping at community gardens, supporting K-12 education and enrichment, protecting the environment, closing the digital divide, and fighting homelessness and hunger.

Local Economic Inclusion

Drexel partners with and incorporates our campus neighbors into the ways we carry out our business operations. The University prioritizes West Philadelphia when hiring talent, purchasing goods and services, and building and renovating its infrastructure.

Contact Us

Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.