
  • Mona Elgohail

    Mona Elgohail Receives Two NMCS Travel Awards

    January 08, 2017

    Mona Elgohail, a clinical psychology PhD student mentored by Pamela Geller, PhD, has been awarded two travel grants.

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  • iCAT+ app

    An App for Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia

    January 03, 2017

    For the approximately 8 million Americans who suffer from binge eating disorder, help could be just a download away. Psychologists in Drexel’s Laboratory for Innovations in Health-Related Behavior Change are developing a new smartphone application that aims to tackle binge eating, and they are seeking study volunteers to test it out. The app, called iCAT+, is for patients who suffer from binge eating disorder or bulimia nervosa.

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