Physics Events

Kaczmarczik Lecture: The James Webb Space Telescope

Thursday, March 7, 2024

1:00 PM-2:30 PM

The world is in an extraordinary era of astronomy thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope, a revolutionary and powerful observatory launched in late 2021. The Webb Space Telescope offers unprecedented sensitivity and enables detailed studies of planets across our Solar System, distant exoplanets around cool stars, and regions where stars form and die. It's abilities extend even further, ranging out to study galaxies near and far, getting closer than ever to the era after the Big Bang.

We invite you to join special guest lecturer Knicole Colón, PhD, who will discuss the latest status of the James Webb Space Telescope and highlight key science results obtained within its first years of operations. Dr. Colón will explore how results from the Webb Space Telescope are re-writing textbooks, a trend that will continue for years to come. Colón, an astrophysicist with NASA, is the James Webb Space Telescope Deputy Project Scientist for Exoplanet Science.



The Kaczmarczik Lecture, hosted by the Department of Physics, is a significant event at Drexel University. For nearly 30 years, the Kaczmarczik Lecture has consistently drawn outstanding scientists who are advancing the forefront of physics research. The lecture will be preceeded by a Science Fair, hosted by members of Drexel’s Society of Physics Students and faculty and staff in the Physics department, for local high school students. The lecture will be live streamed for remote audiences. The link will be activated on March 7, 2024.
Lockheed Martin generously sponsors the Kaczmarczik Science Fair and Lecture.



Contact Information

Evan Tonrey, Administrative Coordinator

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Bossone Research Center, Mitchell Auditorium
3141 Chestnut Street,
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