Department of Chemistry

Faculty and students in Drexel's chemistry department work side-by-side to address the diverse challenges facing our planet in the areas of energy, environment and health.

Drexel University’s Department of Chemistry is dedicated to excellence in education and advanced research in chemical sciences. Chemistry is often called "the central science" because it drives all life processes and is the foundation of modern technology. Undergraduate and graduate students study the traditional disciplines of chemistry and explore the workings of chemistry in the natural and technological worlds.

Faculty & Research

Chemistry faculty are conducting pioneering research in biochemistry, materials chemistry, theoretical chemistry, polymer chemistry and atmospheric chemistry. Department research is supported by corporations and public institutions such as the National Science Foundation, Pennsylvania Department of Education and the National Institutes of Health.

Undergraduates are encouraged to participate in faculty research programs as early as their freshmen year, which allows for a unique learning experience not found at many other institutions.

Learn more about research in the department of chemistry

Co-Op & Career

Through Drexel's renowned cooperative education program, students participate in three, six-month periods of full-time employment, gaining valuable, real-world career experience. The high concentration of pharmaceutical and chemical firms in the Philadelphia area provides a wide range of co-op and professional opportunities.

Drexel’s chemistry graduates have gone on to be leaders in their fields and many have been recognized for their contributions to academic, industrial and governmental research organizations around the world.

Learn more about Drexel's Co-op Program

Student Erin Katz
“Participating in research at Drexel has helped solidify my interest in chemistry, but most importantly, it has helped me find a branch of chemistry that I really enjoy.” Erin KatzBS chemistry ‘19

Recent News

  • PISB Interior

    Meet the New Faculty Members Joining the College of Arts and Sciences this Fall

    The College of Arts and Sciences is excited to welcome six new faculty members to our learning community this academic year. These accomplished scholars drive discovery and collaboration across disciplines and will serve as dedicated mentors to their students.

  • Faculty members gather at the Innovation Incubator kickoff event

    College of Arts and Sciences Launches Innovation Incubator for Faculty Collaboration

    The Arts and Sciences Innovation Incubator brings together faculty members in diverse areas of expertise to collaborate on research projects that find creative ways to address some of our society's most challenging obstacles.

  • Clockwise from top left: Hannah Grosman, Elizabeth Lampe, Tyler Andres-Bray, Matthew Mieles, Huiruo Zeng and Evan Arena

    CoAS Students Recognized With Graduate College Awards

    Drexel University Graduate College recently announced the recipients of the 2023 Graduate Excellence Awards. These awards recognize high-achieving graduate and professional students across disciplines in mentorship, scholarship, civic engagement, service, research and teaching assistance. Congratulations to the College of Arts and Sciences students who were honored with these awards! 

  • Lia DiMitri

    Science and Religion Up Close: Lia DiMitri Reflects on Study Abroad Trip 

    Students in “Science and Religion: From the Big Bang to Neuroscience” spent the winter term exploring the development of science and religion through known human history. The course, taught by Professor of Chemistry Fraser Fleming, PhD, culminated in a nine-day trip to Switzerland, Germany and Italy over spring break. 

  • Sky Harper

    Finding Opportunity as an Indigenous Student

    "Being away from home, over 1000 miles, for 75 percent of the year may seem daunting to some people, and I admit it did seem disheartening at first, but I have found my Drexel University family and support system. If you have ambition and motivation, there is an endless number of opportunities here."

    Sky Harper, a third-year chemistry major, shares his experience finding community and opportunity at Drexel in this guest blog. 


More News

Prospective Students

Please email or call us at 215.895.1805 with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

Undergraduate Advising

Paige Chmielewski, Academic Adviser, Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences

Paige Chmielewski

Senior Academic Adviser
Korman Center 297
215.895.0271 |

Jennifer Rubin Weyant, Associate Director of Advising and Student Success, Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences

Jennifer Rubin Weyant

Associate Director of Training and Professional Development
3018 MacAlister Hall
215.895.1774 |

Contact Us

Department of Chemistry

305 Disque Hall
32 S. 32nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
215.895.2639 |