
  • Common Artificial Sweetener Likely a Safe, Effective Birth Control, Pesticide for Insects, Drexel Study Finds

    May 23, 2017

    Erythritol, a non-nutritive sweetener found in products like Truvia, has proven effective in killing fly larvae and slowing down their egg production, making it a good candidate for human and pet-safe pesticide use.

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  • Drexel Students Try to Negotiate a Climate Change Accord

    May 22, 2017

    Three-dozen Drexel students role-played as global climate officials during a recent classroom exercise, working together to hash out a plan to address the changing environment. Over the course of nearly three hours of negotiations, they developed an agreement to reduce climate change and learned just how challenging such an endeavor can be.

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  • jillian adair

    25 Faces 25 Years: Jillian Adair

    May 15, 2017

    “I’ve always loved nature, but I never thought I could turn that passion into a career,” says Jillian Adair, a junior in Drexel’s Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science. The once skeptic took a 12-week adventure last summer with the Sea Education Association, studying marine science and maritime history, and then sailing around New Zealand.

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