Department of Biodiversity, Earth & Environmental Science

With world-renowned faculty, field sites across the globe, and countless opportunities for hands-on career experience, students in the Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science are prepared to make an impact from day one.

Drexel University’s Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science (BEES) lives by the "Field Experience, Early and Often" motto. Students gain hands-on experience in an environmental department right from the start through our Pre-Term Field Experience. Students also have unprecedented access to incredible facilities, including local and international field sites, Drexel’s Gold-LEED-certified Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building, and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, which is the oldest natural history museum in the Western Hemisphere.

Our department faculty are renowned natural scientists, social scientists, and scholars in the humanities from Drexel and the Academy, specializing in the fields of environmental science, earth science, environmental justice, energy justice, ecology and conservation, biodiversity and evolution, and environmental studies.

Through hands-on experience and close mentorship, students hone their professional and educational interests in earth and environmental sciences, allowing for greater success and satisfaction after graduation.

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

The Academy of Natural Sciences is a world leader in biodiversity and environmental research with an impressive collection of over 18 million specimens and artifacts gathered by history-making individuals like Lewis and Clark, Thomas Jefferson, John James Audubon, Charles Darwin and many more. The Academy’s Patrick Center for Environmental Research, with over 70 years of experience in environmental research and outreach, offers countless opportunities for student interactions both in the field and laboratory.

Learn more about the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

The Drexel Co-Op and the Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science

Through Drexel’s cooperative education program, students embark on up to three, six-month periods of employment, exploring their career options, strengthening their résumés and building a professional network in the environmental and earth science field. Students gain experience both in the U.S. and abroad, and have held co-op positions at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Exelon Corporation, the Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program, and the Philadelphia Water Department, among others.

Learn more about the Drexel co-op Program

Apply for a Degree

Apply for a degree in environmental science or environmental studies and sustainability. Visit campus to get firsthand information about a Drexel education, or contact us at

“The BEES department has provided me with opportunity after opportunity to get involved not only in the field, but also in the research happening at the Academy of Natural Sciences.” Vaughn ShireyBS environmental science ‘17

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Prospective Students

Please email or call us at 215.895.1805 with any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

Undergraduate Advising

Florette Press, Senior Academic Adviser, College of Arts and Sciences

Florette Press

Senior Academic Adviser
Disque Hall 109B
215.895.1716 |

Contact Us

Department of Biodiversity, Earth & Environmental Science

3245 Chestnut Street
PISB 123
Philadelphia, PA 19104
215.571.4651 |

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103