There are a number of changes in staff and faculty in the lab.
Gen Porrecca, MSN, RN, PCCN, CHSE, CNEN, has assumed the role of director of the Center for Interprofessional Clinical Simulation and Practice (CICSP). Gen has held a number of roles in the lab including lab faculty, lab leader and undergraduate education specialist. She has led the lab in transforming clinical make up for undergraduate nursing students, and we look forward to her working with faculty across the College.
Jen Carroll, MSN, RN, CEN, TCRN, RN-BC, CHSE, will assume the role of education specialist for Undergraduate Nursing as of September 1, 2022. Jen’s passion and experience in zone 0 simulations, such as virtual reality and the infusion of gaming theory, to our simulations will help us to meet our learners in their preferred learning style.
We welcome Jen and Gen to our leadership team and look forward to continued transformation to our learning activities.
We have expanded out simulation specialist team to be able to support increased simulation.
Patrick Kane, BA, comes to us with over a decade of experience with high stakes testing with standardized patients with medical education and will be in the role of simulation specialist II. Patrick has relocated from Chicago, so we are introducing him to Philadelphia restaurants. We are thrilled to have this level of experience in standardized patient education to help us develop more skill in high stakes testing.
Syeeda Gee has joined the team as a simulation specialist I and has significant organizational and business experience, which will be invaluable with moving to the new building and changing our processes.
JP Pickett has joined the team as a simulation specialist I and has over a decade of experience with high stakes testing with standardized patients with medical education. In his short time with us, JP has jumped into learning high fidelity simulation and helping us thinking about our processes in new ways.