Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences Facilities

Teaching Facilities
Lectures and labs are held on the Center City (Health Sciences) Campus in the Three Parkway, Bellet and New College Buildings.
The entire campus has wireless capabilities for easy Internet access.
- PTRS has two state-of-the-art laboratories where the clinical practice components of the professional curriculum are taught.
The Department utilizes Drexel’s standardized patient lab as a learning tool to help students practice their clinical decision-making skills. Paid actors are used to simulate various clinical situations while students' interactions with those "patients" are monitored by supervising faculty.
The department operates outpatient physical therapy sites in the Drexel Recreation Center on the University City campus, as part of the multidisciplinary Parkway Health and Wellness Center on the Center City campus and a pro-bono practice in the 11th Street Family Health Center. Students rotate through these facilities getting individualized mentoring while connecting classroom content with clinical practice. These experiences are in addition to the 38 weeks of clinical education the student will experience throughout the curriculum.
Research Facilities
We have over 9,000 square feet of dedicated research space. The research space is located on the same floor as a 14, 000 square foot multi-disciplinary outpatient medical clinic. The research space includes the following:
4 fully equipped labs dedicated to assessment of human movement performance:
- Gait lab (4 AMTI in-floor force plates integrated with an 8 camera Vicon Nexus).
- Biomechanics lab (custom integrated 16 ch EMG, Kistler force plate and 8 sensor Polhemus Liberty system)
- Osteoporosis & Fall Prevention lab (Human Performance Measurement system including modules for measuring central processing time, strength, postural stability, reaction speed)
- Musculoskeletal Control lab
- Pediatric research unit and conference room with a Polycom video conferencing platform.
- Development/ machine shop.
- Specialized data reduction lab with the latest versions of the LabVIEW, MATLAB, Visual 3D,SPSS, SAS, NVivo.
- A small library.
- PhD, grant manager and post-doc offices.
- 2 research conference rooms with Polycom video conferencing platforms.
Our equipment includes:
- Electromagnetic motion analysis systems (Polhemus Fastrak, & Flock of Birds).
- Two EMG systems (8 ch- Noraxon, 4 ch-Delsys).
- Custom-designed seated balance testing platform.
- Two custom designed trunk strength testing units (1 portable).
- Two biaxial electrogoniometers.
- Two load cells with amplifiers.
- EMED plantar pressure system.
- XSENS wireless accelerometer system
- Terason T3000-real time ultrasound unit
DEXA scanner