Colors for Digital Media

Colors used for screen applications must be adjusted from their print values; provided are specific hexadecimal color codes for screen use. Do not use computer-generated HEX conversions. Instructions for translating colors are provided below.

A limited set of additional complementary and accent colors are also provided below. The complementary colors may be used optionally for Sitecore slideshow backgrounds with white type set against these colors. This same set of colors may be used carefully as accent colors for small graphical elements such as rule lines, etc.

When choosing a color for use in digital media, always use the 6-digit hexidecimal value.

RGB values should only be used in situations calling for advanced CSS3-based RGBa values.

Primary Colors





HTML / System Text / Links









Rules / Pipes / Fly-out Tabs





Accent Colors

























Converting Spot Colors or Process Inks to Digital Colors

The approved HEX values above were chosen for their visual impact and differ from the standard translations from the spot color versions of the official Drexel Colors. The following are instructions for converting spot colors or process inks to HEX values.

In order to maintain the essential look and feel of the Drexel brand across both print and digital applications, the conversions outlined in these steps must be followed.

  1. Open the vector-based file containing the artwork in spot or process color to be converted.
  2. Change the color mode of the file from CMYK to RGB.
  3. Open the color palette and locate the Drexel Blue and Gold spot/process swatches.
  4. Open each color one at a time, and change the color mode of the swatch from Lab/CMYK to "Web Safe RGB."
  5. For Drexel Blue, enter the values 07, 29, and 4D. For Drexel Gold, enter the values FF, C6, and 00.
  6. Save the file, or, to create a digital graphic for screen use, copy and paste into a new raster-based file.
  7. Export the digital graphic for web and screen as a format with a transparent background, preferably a PNG.

Do not create JPG files of Drexel Academic or Administrative logotypes.