2017 Research Excellence Award Winners


Research Excellence Awards are presented to graduate students who have completed original, innovative research, scholarship and/or creativity during their career at Drexel.

Drexel University Graduate College Award Winner

Amanda NeMoyer, JD/PhD, Psychology, Kline School of Law and College of Arts and Sciences

Drexel University Graduate College Award Winner (Master's)

Ankita Patil, MS, Neuroscience, College of Medicine

College-Level Award Winners

Amanda NeMoyer, JD/PhD, Psychology, Kline School of Law and College of Arts and Sciences
Amanda Lohss, PhD, Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences
Yaou Zhou, PhD, Business Administration, LeBow College of Business
Chang Ren, PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering 
Chelsea Myers, PhD, Digital Media, Westphal College of Media Arts and Design
Zachary Brodnik, PhD, Neuroscience, College of Medicine
Ankita Patil, MS, Neuroscience, College of Medicine