Gossamer Games featured in Drexel Magazine
Photo by Jeff Fusco
July 1, 2018
Game Design & Production alumni, Thomas Sharpe (16’), was featured in the Summer 2018 Drexel Magazine issue sharing his story of starting his own game studio within Drexel’s Entrepreneurial Game Studio (EGS). EGS is housed in Drexel's Expressive and Creative Interactive Technologies (ExCITE) Center and is focused on creating and launching games in a small, dedicated studio environment.
By participating in EGS, Sharpe was able to start Gossamer Games with the help of other Drexel Dragons and begin the creation of his game “Sole”. In “Sole”, a player is meant to travel alone and discover the world surrounding them. It is meant to create a different experience for the player as an independent game rather than contribute to the currently popular shooter or mobile games.
“Sole” is slated for released in late 2018. After its launch, "Sole" will be the tenth game to emerge from EGS.