Meet Dynamic Business Leader Nina Henderson

November 6, 2013

The annual Nina Henderson Challenge competition provides Westphal students with unique opportunities to develop their creative ideas into viable start-up businesses, receive mentorship by top industry professionals and faculty, and earn meaningful financial support. This year’s competition kicks off on Monday, Dec. 2 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the URBN Annex Screening Room (3401 Filbert St.), where students will get a chance to meet and learn from an enormously successful and pioneering businesswoman – Drexel Trustee and Westphal Alumna Nina Henderson. Those interested in attending should RSVP to Lisa Visco ( 

The first phase of the Nina Henderson Challenge, a business concept phase, offers multiple awards of $1000 and requires the submission of “The Creative Concept” – a three-page business concept describing a business idea, its market potential and a plan to bring it to market. The submission deadline for The Creative Concept is Feb. 13, 2014. Click here to access a detailed student preparation guide. 

The Nina Henderson Challenge prizes grow substantially in the following stage. In the spring term, student entrants will be invited to submit their completed business plans (DATE). Judges in the Nina Henderson Challenge will then select the best three plans. Winners will receive (AMOUNT) for first place, (AMOUNT) for second place and (AMOUNT) for third place. Students and faculty desiring more information about The Henderson Challenge should contact Design & Merchandising Associate Professor and Liaison for The Nina Henderson Challenge, Beth Phillips at

Nina Henderson is a trustee of Drexel University and the Drexel College of Medicine, chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, member of the Executive and Finance committees, a director of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York, and a director of the Foreign Policy Association. She speaks frequently on business strategy and corporate governance for McKinsey, Rand Corporation,  KPMG, Deloitte, , Practicing Law Institute and NYSE/Euronext. She is a director of CNO Financial Group Bankers Life & Casualty, Washington National and Colonial Penn insurance companies and a director of Walter Energy Inc. She has served as a director of AXA Financial and The Equitable Companies; Del Monte Foods Company; and Royal Dutch Shell Audit; At Bestfoods and its predecessor company CPC International, she was one of fourteen corporate officers as Corporate Vice President and also President, Bestfoods Grocery’s $1.3 billion U. S. consumer business. Prior to her general management positions, she held numerous executive marketing positions.