Pearlstein Gallery Showcases Drexel Professor's Extensive Collection of African Art and Artifacts
January 11, 2006
The Leonard Pearlstein Gallery is proud to present Communal Expressions/Ethnic Diversity: African Art from the Collection of George Starks, Jr., Professor of Music and Director of the Jazz Orchestra of Drexel University. The exhibit will be open from January 11- February 17 (reception on January 18, 5-7pm). This presentation features the extensive collection of art and artifacts that Professor Starks has compiled over the past twenty years. The collection's notable diversity creates an exhibition that ranges from distinctly utilitarian objects, such as an elaborately carved Dogon architectural shutter and bellows from the Fang people of Gabon, to a selection of Dan and Punu masks and Songye and Kota power figures. As the show title suggests, the exhibit focuses on communal expressions represented through the artwork that defines a strikingly expressive iconographic continuum.