Animated Animation

March 01, 2009

Talented Digital Media student David Lally has compiled an array of his classmates' impressive animations into a five minute video. Click here to see the video. Additionally, the work of fifteen Digital Media students featuring advanced rendering, modeling and animation techniques will be featured this Thursday night on DUTV as part of the DUTV Student Fest.

The students and work featured in the Drexel Student Animation Fest are: Jessie Amadio, Dali and Ice Fishing; Corrine DeOrsay, Jessie Amadio and Jacob Fradkin, Plants; Brett Angelillis, diy; Nick Avallone, Evan Boucher, Kevin Hoffman and David Lally, Bazi; Nick Avallone, Lip Sync (Audio: Chuck); Ben Cary, Pop Art Pinball and Purgabot; Evan Boucher, Lip Sync and Apple of My Eye; Diego Garcia, Monster Friends; Jacob Fradkin, Robot Theater; Brian Gadomski, An Effect; Dan Letarte and Brian Gadomski, So Money; Brian Gadomski, The Program, David Lally, Lip Sync (Audio: Heroes); Peter Stratton, Cellar Soliloquy; Nick Avallone and Evan Boucher, That Was Easy; Kristen Ward, Dream Machine and Tea Time; and Game Dev Workshop and duplicate: That Was Easy.