Music Industry Recording Studio A

Studio A is one of the program’s recording studio classrooms with variable acoustics. Equipped with a Studer A827 analog tape machine and a DAW with two Universal Audio Apollo 16 interfaces providing 32 channels of input and output, Studio A also serves as one of our premier tracking facilities. The system includes the latest software from Ableton Live, Logic Audio and Pro Tools, as well as plugins from Waves, Sonnox, McDSP, Soundtoys, Universal Audio, and iZotope. With an SSL 4000G+ mixing console with Ultimation as the centerpiece, Studio A also includes equipment from companies such as Pultec, Urei, Genelec, Helios, BAE, Millennia, SPL, API, Crane Song, Empirical Labs, DBX, Lexicon, and Universal Audio. This studio is open 24 hours a day to Music Industry Program students who have completed Sound Recording I.

Studio A

Studio A

Studio A