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Andrew Lim

Andrew Lim; Music Industry Alumni

My name is Andrew Lim and I graduated from Drexel’s Music Industry Program in 2012. I am now the Email Marketing Manager at Fame House, a digital marketing agency in Philadelphia, where I work on marketing campaigns for artists and festivals like Eminem, Pearl Jam, and Electric Zoo.

How does your experience within the Music Industry Program at Drexel compare to your actual experience now that you are out in the field?

When I was a student in the Music Industry Program, I learned the importance of being self-sufficient and absorbing as much as possible when it came to the different aspects of the entertainment business. Now that I’m out in the field, this is even more critical as having a diverse skillset is key to success in this ever-changing industry.

Can you talk about ways in which Drexel's co-op program helped you to determine your career and professional goals? Where did you co-op and what was your experience like?

The co-op program at Drexel definitely helped me to figure out what I wanted to do after graduation. It was great to experience different businesses and get a feel for where I could succeed once I finished school. I had one of my co-ops at the PBS member TV station, WHYY where I was a production/marketing assistant on the show, On Canvas. This was a great opportunity for me to sharpen my social media marketing skills in addition to experiencing what it was like to work on a television show.

My second co-op was actually a dual co-op with both Warner Music Group and Atlantic Records in Los Angeles, CA. Getting to work hands-on at one of the largest record labels in the world was an invaluable experience and gave me a lot of insight into the inner-workings of the music business. I loved spending a summer in LA and getting to live on the west coast. It’s definitely a highlight of my time in the Music Industry Program.

How would you describe your growth as both a student, and as an active member of the music industry, from your start as a freshman to the current day?

I’ve changed and grown quite a bit since I was a freshman at Drexel. I entered the program with the expectation of becoming an entertainment lawyer but quickly found out that I absolutely loved digital marketing. The best part about the Music Industry Program is that I was able to experience every part of the business to really find what I enjoyed the most. Whether it was reviewing publishing contracts or scouting artists or working on websites, I was fortunate that I could immerse myself in so many different disciplines.

Since graduating from Drexel and starting a career in the music industry, I’ve learned how important it is to be open to new ideas and to embrace change. Whether it is new technologies or shifting business models, I think that progress comes from adapting and pushing to stay ahead of the curve.

What are your plans for the future? What do you hope to accomplish in the next five years?

I hope that I can continue to grow and excel at my job and in this industry. I really do love what I do which motivates me everyday to push myself to learn more and solve bigger and bigger problems. I’m so lucky that I get to work with some of my favorite artists and brands and hope that I can continue to put out exciting work that inspires other marketers.

Were there any particular classes or professors that helped you to decide on your career path, or which you would recommend to future MIP students?

I enjoyed so many of my classes. I loved all of my entertainment pre-law classes where we got to analyze cases and get into some really interesting discussions. I also always looked forward to the classes where we were building and operating actual business entities like Mad Dragon Records or Mad Mad Publishing.

I think what really helped me carve out a career path for myself was taking what I learned in my classes and applying it to things I was doing outside the classroom. I was always recording, promoting, and performing and I think that combined with what I was learning in MIP really helped me find my passion for entertainment marketing.

Any last words or take-always you'd like to shout out to our prospective students and their parents about our program and your experience?

Talk to your professors! Some of my best memories come from times I got to sit down with one of my professors and talk about what was happening in the industry. They have such a wealth of knowledge but also value the opinions and experiences of their students.