Dr. Tsz Kwok is a full-time administrative staff and adjunct faculty at Drexel University. He is currently the Associate Director for Graduate College and manages about 6,000+ graduate students. Working together with the faculty, professional staff, students, and administrators across the University, Dr. Kwok is committed to a range of initiatives aimed at enriching the many academic, research, and experiential learning opportunities for graduate students.
Dr. Kwok’s primary areas of research include leadership development, creative leadership, pre-orientation program, comparative and international education, qualitative research methods, and teaching and learning about multicultural education in teacher preparation courses.
Dr. Kwok joined Drexel in 2000 with nearly eighteen years of academic training and experience in higher education. His goal is to continue and involve in the realm of higher education that provide a holistic approach to supporting students and assisting them to flourish in a college/university climate.