Nick Jushchyshyn
Nick Jushchyshyn
Program Director, Virtual Reality & Immersive Media



URBN Center, 240

Nick Jushchyshyn: Brings two decades of professional experience in visual effects, immersive media, and administration to the Digital Media Department at Drexel University. 

His experience includes work on major feature films such as "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo", "I Am Number Four", "Let Me In", "The Last Air Bender" and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", which won an Oscar for Best Visual Effects as well as the VES award for Best Single Visual Effect for the Year. Outside of feature films, Nick's freelance background also includes projects in television, commercial and advertising productions.

He holds an MFA from the Academy of Art University, and a Bachelor's in Science degree in Commerce & Engineering from Drexel University. In addition to working for studios such as Digital Domain and Dive Visual Effects, Nick as taught digital media and animation at the Academy of Art University and the Art Institute of Philadelphia.

Nick's research focuses on the development and application of production pipelines for VR/AR and other immersive media formats in areas including education, cultural heritage, medicine and narrative experiences. Nick directs the Westphal College's programs in Animation & VFX, Immersive Media and The Animation, Capture & Effects Lab (ACE-Lab), and provides faculty supervision to the student groups for Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH) and the Drexel University Virtual Reality Group (DUVR). More information these activities are available on the Animation Capture & Effects Lab website:

M.F.A. in Animation & Visual Effects – 2009; Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
B.S. Commerce & Engineering (Cum Laude) – 1993; Dual Major: Marketing Management / Operations Management Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

Jushchyshyn N., Parks S. (2021). Virtual Production for Remote Teaching Modalities: Adapting Sustainable Remote Teaching and Learning Environments by Leveraging Real-time Computer Graphics SIGGRAPH 21 Educators Forum, August 11, 2021, Virtual Event, USA © 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-83639.

Jushchyshyn N. Digital Placemaking in the Age of Virtual Presence | Nicholas Jushchyshyn | TEDxDrexelU YouTube, uploaded by TEDx Talks, July 29, 2021,

Martin, K.; Jushchyshyn, N.; King, C. (2020). Sharing historic fashion through the digital archive/access and interoperability, CIDOC CONFERENCE PAPERS GENEVA 2020 Final Program and Proceedings,

Jushchyshyn N., Mones B. (2020). GROOVY ASSIGNMENT: Immersive Dome Projection Media, A Cross Disciplinary Assignment in Computer Graphics and Interactivity SIGGRAPH 20 Educators Forum, August 17, 2020, Virtual Event, USA © 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7966-3/20/08.


Jushchyshyn N. (2019). IMMERSIVE MEDIA AS A CATALYST FOR CROSS-DISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION IN DESIGN, SCIENCES, ENGINEERING AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference INTED2019 Proceedings, pp.8628-8634 ISBN: 978-84-09-08619-1 ISSN: 2340-1079 doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.2152

Martin, K.; Jushchyshyn, N.; King, C. (2019). ObjectVR Fashion: The Drexel Digital Museum Project, Archiving Conference, Archiving 2019 Final Program and Proceedings, pp. 61-65(5), DOI: .

Jushchyshyn N., McLaughlin T., Woolverton M. (2019). Approaches for Immersive Media Curriculum Implementation SIGGRAPH 19 Educators Forum , July 28 - August 01, 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6782-0/19/07.

Jushchyshyn N., Lloyd R., Sundquist E. (2019). GROOVY ASSIGNMENT: THE VR RIDE

A Cross Disciplinary Assignment in Computer Graphics and Interactivit SIGGRAPH 19 Educators Forum , July 28 - August 01, 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6782-0/19/07.

Martin, K., Caulfield-Sriklad, D. and Jushchyshn, N. (2017). The Persistent Narrative, Proceedings of the International Council of Museums Costume Committee Annual Meeting,

London 2017 June 26-19, 2017, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts, London, UK.

Martin, K., Lamm, S., Tomren, H., Caulfield-Sriklad, D. and Jushchyshn, N. (2018). Experiments in High Resolution Imaging for Exhibition and Publication of Historic Fashion: The Drexel Digital Museum Project. In C. Fuchs and C. Angel (Eds.), Organization, Representation and Description through the Digital Age: Information in Libraries, Archives and Museums. DeGruyter: Berlin.

I.F. Chung Miranda, N. Jushchyshyn, M. Wagner (2018). An Augmented Reality Application Prototype for Improving Throwing Accuracy in Basketball: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain. 2-4 July, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5 / ISSN: 2340-1117 doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2018 Publisher: IATED

Feldman, V., Jushchyshyn, N. Immersive Paleoart: Reconstructing Dreadnoughtus schrani and Remediating the Science Documentary for Cinematic Virtual Reality; Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics (ACM-SIGGRAPH) 2016 Conference Poster

Feldman, V., Jushchyshyn, N., Wagner, M. Reconstructing DREADNOUGHTUS SCHRANI: A Cinematic Virtual Reality use Case in Paleontology Education; International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) EDULEARN 2016 International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies

Martin, K., Lamm, S., Tomren, H., Caulfield-Sriklad, D. and Jushchyshn, N. (in press). Experiments in High Resolution Imaging for Exhibition and Publication of Historic Fashion: The Drexel Digital Museum Project. In C. Fuchs and C. Angel (Eds.), Organization, Representation and Description through the Digital Age: Information in Libraries, Archives and Museums. DeGruyter: Berlin.

Martin, K., Caulfield-Sriklad, D. and Jushchyshn, N. (in press). New Media for Exhibition of Historic Fashion, SIGraDi 2016, XX Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics. 9-11, November, 2016 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: The Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics.

2022 PwC Metaverse Commerce Visualization PI $5000 via Drexel Solutions Institute

2022 OPTIONS FOR ALL Insight Research Project CO-PI $78,000 via Drexel Solutions Institute

2021-2022 Longwood Gardens Beyond the Walls CO-PI $150,000 via Drexel Solutions Institute

2021-2022 Freddie Reisman Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Award 2020-21 PI $25,000

2021-2022 Immersive Merchandising Lab PI $50,000

2020-2022: Hyperreal Motion Capture Project, PI $10,000 via Drexel Solutions Institute

2019-2020: URBN Digital Avatar Development, PI $15,000

2018 Scholarly Material and Research Equipment Award, CO-PI $5,228

2018-2019 JUNK 2nd Sanctuary Immersive Production, CO-PI $87,596.00 via Drexel ExCite Center

Short Films

Belonging: HERE
2022, Animated Short Film (Director)
Official Selection 2022 Rhode Island International Film Festival
Official Selection 2022 Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival

2021 Animated Short Film (Screenwriter/Director),
Epic Games, Unreal Engine Virtual Production Fellowship

International Release Feature Filmography

2022 5-25-77 (visual effects supervisor: Pixel Corps)
2012 Safe (digital compositor: DIVE)
2011 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (matchmove artist)
2011 Cafè (integration specialist)
2011 I Am Number Four (matchmove artist)
2010 Let Me In (matchmove artist: DIVE)
2010 The Last Airbender (integration artist: DIVE)
2010 Fair Game (matchmove artist: Dive)
2010 The Best and the Brightest (RED pipeline TD - uncredited)
2009 The Road (integration specialist: DIVE)
2009 Happy Tears (integration specialist)
2008 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (digital artist: Digital Domain)
2008 Far Sighted (digital effects artist)

Additional Creative Works

VROOM VR Cycle Ride, Exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2019 Conference & Exposition

Galanos Interactive Exhibition Experience 2018

Romeo & Juliet Immersive Projection Ballet 2018

VR Cycle Ride, Exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2018 Conference & Exposition

RANDOME EXPERIENCES: Immersive Projection Experience created with Ted Artz and Drexel Students, exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2017