Emily Holloway



Emily Holloway’s interdisciplinary research investigates the relationship between race and the built environment. Her book project, Domino in the Longue Durée: Racial Capitalism and the Urban Question, reconstructs the prehistory of the Domino Refinery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, from the vantage point of racialized enslavement in the Caribbean in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Emily is the Associate Managing Editor of Urban Affairs Review, a top-rated research journal of urban politics and policy based at Drexel University, and a Research Fellow at the Urban Heritage Project at the University of Pennsylvania, where she collaborates with an interdisciplinary team to develop a digital humanities project documenting the cultural landscapes of the Civil Rights Movement.
BA Government, Smith College
MS Urban Planning and Policy Hunter College
PhD Geography Clark University
  • Holloway, E. (2023). “Bodies in Transit”: Speculation and biopolitics in nineteenth-century New York City. American Quarterly, 75(1), 1-26.
  • Holloway, E. (2022). Recover and Remix: Digital Humanities, Heritage Preservation, and Black Geographies. Center for the Preservation of Civil Rights Sites, University of Pennsylvania. White paper.
  • Holloway, E. (2018). “Business as Usual” or “Just Business”? A critical comparison of urban industrial rezonings. Middle States Geographer 51, 21-32.