Motion Graphic Designer, Apply

Luka Kimlicko

BS Graphic Design '21

Luka Kimlicko

Westphal College partnered with New York-based sticker company Apply for Welcome Week. All incoming students received a limited edition sticker pack custom-designed for Westphal with the help of Apply's Motion Graphic Designer and 2021 Graphic Design alum Luka Kimlicko.


We talked to Luka about his experience in the Graphic Design program, his co-op, and how he wound up in a creative role right out of school.


How did you find your way to Apply after finishing your Graphic Design degree at Drexel Westphal?

The biggest way Drexel prepared me for this job was through the co-op program. Last summer I did my co-op with the design team at a tech company in Paris called Contentsquare. I was lucky to be with a team that was really excited to help me learn more about my interests. I told them I was interested in motion graphics so they send me to their motion design team and I dove straight into it! a few months after my co-op ended, an old friend of mine reached out to me because he had seen my animation work I had done for co-op and said that the company he worked for, Apply was looking for someone who could do motion graphics. I went through a few interviews and got the job!


Tell us a little about your role at Apply.

I started off designing gifs and face filters based on Apply's stickers. Since then I've expanded to a number of other design roles, primarily designing our product! I've worked with well established artists like Olaf Breuning who is a Swiss contemporary artist with shows at Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Chisenhale Gallery, London; Kunstverein Freiburg, Germany; Kunsthall Stavanger, Norway; and the Paul Klee Museum, Bern. Olaf was kind enough to give me free range to create a sticker collection using my own selections from his entire porfolio. 




Check out the work Luka and his team are making at Apply here—and next time you’re in the URBN Center, see if you can spot any of Luka’s sticker designs!