Kenyetta Overton
MS arts administration
Philadelphia native, Kenyetta Overton (under the moniker Koko Hans) has written and performed poetry as a Spoken Word artist since 2001. In 2003 Ms Overton received international attention as Koko Hans when she was chosen as a semi-finalist by the International Library of Poetry.
In 2004 Ms. Overton created the Murals of the Mind Project TM (aka M.O.M. TM and formerly known as Young Poets Uprising), a creative writing concern for youth ages six to 13. The Project focused on encouraging youth to actively engage in the process of written and spoken word poetry for the purposes of conflict resolution and self expression and increased academic and social capabilities.
Ms Overton has produced her own open mic show, Word South of the Border Love @ Las Cazuelas, which featured poets and musicians from around the tri-state area. She has also self published three chapbooks. She is an accomplished visual artist, creating sculptures and relief on canvas and wood.
For more than 20 years Ms Overton has lent her administrative, event planning/ coordinating, marketing, sales and service, and research abilities to several corporate entities including those in the employment recruiting and consulting, business development, healthcare, insurance, investment banking, academic and pharmaceutical companies.
Ms Overton holds an Associates of Science and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Marketing form University of Phoenix and her Master of Science in Arts Administration from Drexel University.