Header and Cover
Course Prefix and Number Official
Course Title
- List the course prefix and number (e.g., EDUC 321)
- Provide the course title as it appears in the catalog
- Identify the term in which the course is being taught
Instructor Information
Instructor Name
Contact Information (Phone, E-mail, Website)
Office Hours, Location and Mailbox
Provide the name of instructor(s) teaching the course, as well as
any teaching assistants responsible for the course
Provide the contact information you would like students to use
during the term
List when and where you will be available for office hours and where
students can drop items off to you (e.g., department mailbox)
Student Learning Information
Course Description
Course Purpose within a Program of Study
Statement of Expected Learning
Provide a description of the course consistent with what appears in
the university catalog
Describe the purpose of the course, expand on the course description
(e.g., special topics course where the descriptions says
“Topic may vary”), and/or inform the students what role
the course plays in the degree program
List the most important learning goals (e.g., outcomes, objectives,
competencies, performance criteria) you expect students to achieve
in the course (n.b., in most cases, there will be between 3 and 8
statements of expected learning)
Course Materials
Required and Recommended Texts, Readings and Resources
Required and Supplemental Materials and Technologies
List all required and recommended readings, texts and resources that
will support student performance in the course
List any additional materials or technologies (e.g., software, mp3
player) that students will need for the course
Assignments and Assessments
Graded Assignments and Learning Activities
Grading Matrix
Grade Scale
Identify assignments and any activities for which the students will
receive a grade
Detail how a score/grade for each assignment and/or activity is used
to calculate the final score/grade for the course
Define point breakdowns for each possible grade assigned (e.g.,
Course Schedule
Course Calendar
Provide students with a calendar of course activities, readings,
assignments, and/or exams. The level of detail will be determined by
the faculty member or department in which the course is taught
Academic Policies
Academic Integrity, Plagiarism, Dishonesty and Cheating Policy
Student with Disability Statement
Course Add/Drop Policy
Course and Co-op Withdrawal Policy Course Change Policy
Title IX (Sexual Harassment and Misconduct), Discrimination, Harassment, and Bias Incidents