Additional Resources and References
Looking for more on syllabus and course development?
Syllabus Development
- Student perceptions of syllabus tone study, Social Psychology of Education
- Examples of warm syllabus language, Association for Psychological Science
- Student-centered syllabus guide, The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Tips for creating inclusive, student-centered syllabi, Faculty Focus
- Land acknowledgement statement, Drexel University
- Graphic syllabus example, Natural Sciences Education
- Living syllabus example, Art History Pedagogy & Practice
- Liquid syllabus as anti-racist teaching tool, C2C Digital Magazine
Course Design:
- Self-directed guide to course design, D. Lee Fink
- Designing your class as a narrative arc, Faculty Focus
- Lesson plan design template, Faculty Focus
- Academic Workload Estimator, Betsy Barre et al.
Innovative Course Formats:
- Overview of Project Based Learning, Center for Teaching and Learning, Columbia University
- Project Based Learning Research briefs, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Center for Project Based Learning
- Introduction to critical service learning, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
- Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning
- Case-based Learning overview and open resource cases, Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, Yale University
- Database of case studies in science teaching, National Science Teaching Association
- Resources for Reacting to the Past pedagogy, Barnard College