Drexel Institute for Inclusive and Equitable Teaching

Now more than ever, it is crucial for faculty to examine our course content and classroom practices to create more inclusive learning environments.

However, implementing culturally relevant, inclusive, and equity-minded pedagogies requires time and support. It is a process that involves examination of our knowledge base, revision of course materials and teaching practices, and courage to have tough conversations in our classrooms.

Benefits of a Collaborative Program

The Drexel Institute for Inclusive and Equitable Teaching is a collaborative program co-sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Center and the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusive Culture. This highly interactive, cohort-based program prepares faculty to begin or continue this lifelong work, as well as take immediate action in their teaching. Weekly workshops, short readings, and activities provide strategies for:

  • building an inclusive syllabus
  • teaching transparently
  • creating inclusive, equitable activities and assessments
  • developing skills to embrace and discuss difference in the classroom

Throughout this Institute, you will apply strategies and concepts to a course and syllabus of your choice. You will leave this program with revised course materials and the confidence to infuse your classroom with equity-minded teaching practices.

After participation in this program faculty will have increased confidence in their ability to:

  • explain what inclusive teaching is and how it helps all students succeed
  • reflect on implicit bias and ways to mitigate bias in the classroom
  • create culturally inclusive, accessible assignments and activities that allow all students to engage with course material
  • design inclusive and equitable assessments that appropriately measure course learning goals; and
  • use a variety of strategies to discuss highly-charged topics or address hot moments in class.


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