Immersive Learning

Enhance & Expand High-Quality, Immersive Learning Experience

Enable students to enhance and apply their education while developing professional skills and an appreciation for the diversity of human experience by providing engaging, immersive learning experiences.

Goal: Achieve 99% student preparedness for life after Drexel

Percentage of Undergraduate Students Indicating that They Feel Prepared for Life after Drexel

Drexel University's latest co-op survey results (AY2022) indicate that 94% of students feel prepared for life after Drexel. Through the Immersive Learning imperative, the goal is to increase the percentage of student preparedness for life after graduating from Drexel to 99% by 2030.

Source: Co-Op student survey results for the question "At this point in your undergraduate experience, how prepared do you feel for life after Drexel?"