Adaptable Curricula

Set the Standard for Cutting Edge, Adaptable Curricula

Rapidly develop and deliver agile curricula to partners and individuals of diverse backgrounds and ages that are responsive to market demands and the needs of a global society.

Goal: Achieve 98.1% job placement rate one year after graduation for bachelor's students by 2030

96.9% of Drexel University undergraduates are working or enrolled in graduate or professional education one year after graduation. Through the Adaptable Curricula imperative, our goal is to achieve at 98.1% job placement rate by 2030.
Job Placement Rate One Year After Graduation

As of 2023, 96.9% of Drexel University undergraduates are working or enrolled in graduate or professional education one year after graduation. Through the Adaptable Curricula imperative, our goal is to achieve 98.1% job placement rate by 2030 which exemplifies that Drexel graduates are prepared and qualified for the future world of work and highly sought after by institutions and employers alike.

Source: University one-year out outcomes survey, bachelor's,  2023, Tableau

Disclaimer: The following is not an exhaustive list but rather a sampling of key initiatives. For questions or suggestions, please contact


  • Establish consistency in structure and policies to create organizational alignment and facilitate efficiency and effectiveness;
  • Institute core competency requirements for all undergraduate students to support greater curricular alignment and flexibility and to provide differentiating skills that define a Drexel education; 
  • Transition to a semester-based calendar for all academic programs to support student success and align with external partners and institutions;
  • Strategically and operationally affiliate similar academic disciplines and colleges to create clearer pathways, further student success, and better support collaboration across units; and
  • Utilize community spaces to support academic activities, enhance faculty and professional staff collaboration, and improve the overall student experience.
  • Drexel is enhancing its program performance review process by defining a set of standard data metrics that will be used consistently across the University for program initiation, revision, and assessment and will help create a platform more program and curricular innovation. The university is also launching a new program approval process that will ensure new programs align Drexel strengths with market opportunities and with Drexel's strategic vision.
  • Drexel reports Financial Value Transparency (FVT) and Gainful Employment (GE) data to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS®) to help students and their families make more informed decisions about financing their education and potential outcomes.

In addition to transforming academic curricula, Drexel is re-envisioning curricula in collaboration with key strategic partners in industry, academia, government, and healthcare to support the education and training of diverse and talented students. A sampling of initiatives include:

Through broad consultation, Drexel University’s Office of Global Engagement, also known as Drexel Global, is selecting a handful of existing strategic partners in key locations all over the world to deepen and scale up our collaboration, including research, education abroad, dual-admission degrees, recruitment, co-op, civic engagement, and alumni and industry relations. "Global Hubs: The Power of Partnerships for Global Impact, Innovation, and Inclusion” was the first proposal to receive Drexel 2030 Strategic Initiative Funding to support implementation of an inaugural global hub in India. Drexel welcomed its first cohort of students from SSN School of Advanced Career Education (SACE) in 2024 through the “Direct Pathway” program in biomedical engineering. More pathways are being developed with strategic partners in India.

As a result of recommendations from the Program and Curricular Innovation initiative team of Drexel 2030 Strategic Plan Implementation, the Council for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) was established to build greater strategic alignment across initiatives and promote inclusive, evidence-based practices that build upon Drexel’s distinguishing strengths to better meet the developmental needs of faculty and learning needs of students. The council draws together Drexel’s diverse expertise and resources to collaboratively advance pedagogical and curricular excellence and innovation across the university. A key initiative of the council, in collaboration with the Undergraduate Student Government Association (USGA), is to create a mechanism by which academic units can share standard course syllabi to allow students to make more informed decisions about course selection.

In 2023, a working group was formed and charged with developing a policy for Academic Integrity Pertaining to Artificial Intelligence to complement the current Academic Integrity policy and student conduct process and develop guidance for students and instructors around the use of AI in the classroom and in academic work. As part of the working group’s recommendations, a Standing Committee on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI) was formed to ensure a continual focus on the evolution of AI and implications and opportunities to advance Drexel’s academic mission. A key program of the SCAI was a spring 2024 half-day event, called the "Day of Faculty Conversation of AI" in which faculty gathered to discuss the impact of AI on pedagogy, teaching, and learning from a variety of perspectives.