Application Process

This section is intended to provide an overview of some of the components of a law school application. It is NOT intended to provide comprehensive advice about the many subjective aspects of law school admission and financial aid and you should not rely on it as such.

All Drexel students and alumni have free and unlimited access to pre-law advising. Call 215.895.2185 to schedule an appointment or email Students and alumni who are unable to attend an in-person meeting may schedule a telephone or Zoom consultation.

Keep in mind, most law schools use rolling admissions, which is when programs review applications and admit students as they receive their materials, rather than waiting to review all applicants after the deadline for admission has passed. It is important to apply early to have the best chances of being admitted and also to receive the best possible aid package.

  • Law School Admission Test (LSAT): A standardized test that is used for admission to law school. The LSAT is administered several times a year. For more information about the LSAT or to register for an upcoming test, visit the Law School Admission Council's website. You can also find information about free study resources on the site.
  • Undergraduate GPA: Did you know that law schools consider more than just your Drexel GPA? Work undertaken at other colleges is included as well. Repeated classes, plus/minus grades, and other factors all contribute to your law school admission GPA.
  • Personal Statement: This is your chance to "interview" with the law school admission committees. What should you tell them? What topics should be avoided? How can you make your application stand out from among thousands of others? Meet with the pre-law advisor prior to and during the application essay writing process.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Law schools care greatly what others say about you, but are you better off getting a letter from a famous individual or someone from a more modest background who knows you well? Are letters from lawyers and judges particularly helpful? What about professors, TAs, and co-op employers? Although all of these are acceptable choices, you should focus on finding someone who knows you well and can speak to your specific strengths.
  • Diversity: Law schools actively seek students from a variety of backgrounds. How can you help the law schools understand the unique perspective you would bring to their classes? Always take the time to write a diversity, equity, and inclusion essay even if it is marked as “optional.”
  • Character and Fitness Disclosure: All law schools want to know about the times in your life you would just as soon forget. Whether you have had run-ins with the police or gotten in trouble at school or on your job, even if you were simply questioned about an incident and never formally charged, law schools require you to disclose everything. Applicants often must disclose even those incidents that were expunged, sealed, or that they were previously told need not be reported. Failing to do so can derail even the most promising application or result in dismissal from law school or denial of permission to take the bar examination. Drexel's pre-law advisor can provide candid advice on your situation and help ensure that this important part of your law school application is handled properly.
  • Report: A Law School Report will be indicated on your CAS application. The report is put together by LSAC and consists of each applicant’s basic information, including LSAT scores and a copy of the LSAT writing sample, an “academic summary” they compile from the transcripts you submit, copies of all of your transcripts, and copies of your recommendation letters. Note that there is a separate fee from the initial CAS fee for each report that you send to an individual school.
  • Résumé: Unlike many other graduate and/or professional schools, law schools ask that you submit a résumé as opposed to a CV. It should be written and uploaded to the CAS as part of your application process. If you need assistance with your résumé and guidance on how to tailor it to appeal to law schools, schedule an appointment with the pre-law advisor.

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