Designing Drexel's Academic Transformation: Call for Working Group Nominations

This message was shared with all faculty and staff on October 15, 2024. 

Dear Colleagues,

Last month, I announced the University’s intention to move forward with a vision — outlined by the recommendations of the University Advisory Committee on Academic Structure (UACAS) and pending the review of Faculty Senate — in bold pursuit of academic transformation. I’m pleased to share that Faculty Senate voted in favor of the majority of the recommendations, with those remaining undergoing further discussion. With this support, we mark a crucial step in aligning our efforts to realize this new vision for the University and its many stakeholders.

The two-year UACAS process resulted in a framework for Drexel’s academic transformation; working groups will now lead the design and implementation, while also engaging stakeholders at all levels and identifying necessary supports. Several working groups will be appointed in the following areas:

  • Core Competencies, Calendar Conversion and Curricular Structure: Defining Drexel core competencies and designing their implementation through various instructional strategies; proposing models for curricular structure revision to support the calendar change from quarters to semesters and enable academic flexibility.
  • College/School Restructuring: Charge still in development. Will support design and implementation of the reorganization of colleges and schools into integrated, forward-looking pillars of expertise.
  • Consistent and Effective Policies/Practices: In coordination with other working groups, developing greater consistency of academic structures, policies, processes and guidelines to support collaboration, flexibility and efficiency for students, faculty and staff.

As previously shared, a central Academic Transformation Team has been established to guide this work and the selection of working groups, in collaboration with the Senate Steering Committee.

Working Group Responsibilities and Nominations

Members of the working groups should expect to be engaged for an average of 4-6 months, meet weekly/bi-weekly, and complete related tasks between meetings. Ideal candidates will have:

  • expertise/experience related to the area of interest
  • the time and desire to commit to sustained work at a relatively fast pace
  • strong problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • a solutions- and action-oriented mindset
  • and the ability to collaborate effectively by “putting on their Drexel hat” to support collective impact.

Faculty and professional staff who are interested in serving on a working group are invited to self-nominate using the following form by October 25. All applicants will be notified of whether they were selected for a working group by mid-November. Department head/supervisor approval will be confirmed upon selection to participate.

Submit Working Group Nomination by 10/25

Importantly, there will be numerous opportunities for faculty, professional staff and administrators to engage in this transformational work. We anticipate additional working groups being established when specific expertise/focus is required. If you have questions regarding this form or process, please contact the Academic Transformation Team via

Thank you to all who have engaged in this process thus far or expressed interest in serving on a working group. Your efforts, input and enthusiasm are truly appreciated.


Paul E. Jensen, PhD
Executive Vice President
Nina Henderson Provost