Four Important Policies Approved on NTT Faculty, AI and Blackboard Learn

This message was shared with all faculty and staff on November 21, 2023.

Dear Colleagues,

I’m pleased to share that the following policies have been approved as official University policies:

  • New: Academic Integrity Pertaining to Artificial Intelligence Policy (PO-103) (interim policy)
  • New: Non-Tenure-Track Full-Time Faculty Policy (PO-85)
  • New: Non-Tenure-Track Full-Time Faculty Paid Professional Leave Policy (PO-86)
  • Revised: Learning Management System Policy (PO-53) (interim policy)

The Non-Tenure-Track (NTT) Faculty Policies are two of the first policies to be approved on a permanent basis using the new Policy Compliance Process. It is especially gratifying to see these policies approved after a years-long process that required the thoughtful collaboration and sincere commitment of Faculty Senate, deans, department heads and the Provost’s Office.

The two interim policies were reviewed under the Office of Compliance, Policy and Privacy Services’ expedited review process and will undergo the standard review process within one year. Members of the Drexel community are expected to adhere to all relevant University and unit-level policies, including interim policies. Summaries of each policy are provided below.

Academic Integrity Policy Pertaining to Artificial Intelligence

This new policy on Academic Integrity Pertaining to Artificial Intelligence was created by a Provost’s Office Working Group and summarized in a September 20 message to faculty and staff. Please view the September 20 message for the philosophy underlying the policy, main components of the policy, working group membership and more.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty Policy

The Non-Tenure-Track Full-Time Faculty Policy replaces the following policies that governed Research Faculty as well as Teaching Faculty:

  • Teaching Faculty Policy
  • Research Staff Appointment
  • Research Staff Benefits
  • Research Staff Promotion
  • Research Staff Termination
  • Research Staff University Voting Rights

The new policy provides an overarching architecture to govern all full-time, non-tenure-track faculty. The policy clearly defines ranks, appointment lengths associated with ranks, review procedures and processes for promotion. The policy recognizes the diversity of our faculty and the roles they play in our departments, schools and colleges and makes provision for these contributions to be recognized and rewarded.

NTT Full-Time Faculty Paid Professional Leave Policy

The Non-Tenure-Track Full-Time Faculty Paid Professional Leave policy provides the opportunity for full-time NTT faculty to continue their professional development during a paid leave of one or two quarters for every three to four or six to eight years of service, depending on their appointment, to the University. This is the first time there has been such a provision made. Implementation of this policy is dependent on the capacity of the University to fund these leaves. When the policy is implemented, faculty will apply by October 31 of each year and be reviewed by the Professional Leave Committee who will provide recommendations to the Provost’s Office by February 1. Like tenured faculty sabbatical leaves, these leaves are intended to benefit the individual as well as the University.

Learning Management System Policy

The updated Learning Management System (LMS) Policy expands the scope of the previous LMS policy. The previous policy asserted the requirement that the University must have an LMS, which for many years has been Blackboard Learn. The new policy requires that instructors use the LMS for disseminating course content, sending notifications and group messages to students in the course, and storing and sharing course grades.

This policy change stems from the intention to improve the educational experience of our students by ensuring a uniform method to access course materials, grades and messages from the instructor. This interim policy also supports the University’s ongoing efforts to ensure best practice compliance with Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 through the Initial Course Participation pilot process, which relies on the Blackboard Learn gradebook.


By working diligently and collaboratively together within the new University policy framework, we now have policies that recognize the critical role of our Teaching, Clinical, Practice and Research Faculty in fulfilling the mission of the University; support consistency in the student experience; and offer critical guidance for upholding academic integrity amid advancements in artificial intelligence. Thank you to all who participated in the policy process and led these important efforts.


Paul E. Jensen
Executive Vice President
Nina Henderson Provost