Legal Job Fairs

Due to COVID-19 protocols, programs are subject to change. Some programs may be re-scheduled and some may move to a virtual format. Contact Jen Moore at or 215.571.4702 for more information.

The Career Services Office assists our students with their participation in national, regional and local job fairs. For more information on our policies and practices regarding these job fairs, please contact the Career Strategies Office. Examples of job fairs include:

Delaware Minority Job Fair
This annual career fair is held in August.
Learn More.

Equal Justice Works Conference and Career Fair
This Annual Conference and Career Fair is held in Arlington, Va. in October. This is a national career fair for students interested in public interest law.
Learn More.

The Greater Philadelphia Area Law Schools Consortium ("GPALS")
We are a member of the Greater Philadelphia Area Law School Consortium (GPALS), a group of seven Philadelphia-area law schools that includes the University of Pennsylvania Law School, Penn State University Dickinson School of Law, Rutgers School of Law - Camden, Temple University Beasley School of Law, Villanova University School of Law and Widener Law.

GPALS holds several major job fairs and recruiting programs through the year in which students from all member schools can participate. All GPALS job fairs are operated through the GPALS Symplicity Site. Students only need to register once to participate in all GPALS job fairs, networking programs and events.

GPALS Philadelphia Area Job Fair (2Ls, 3Ls): Fall
Students submit resumes in the summer via the GPALS Symplicity site.

GPALS Public Interest/Public Service Job Fair (PIPS) (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls): Spring
National, regional and Philadelphia-area public interest employers. Register via the GPALS Symplicity site.

GPALS Careers in Federal and State Government: September 10, 2020
This program aims to educate law students about career opportunities in the federal government.  It includes a panel discussion by recent graduates and experienced practitioners about federal service, a presentation on searching for government jobs and a networking reception. It may also include a resume collection from individual employers.

Hispanic National Bar Association Career Fair
The Hispanic National Bar Association Career Fair is held in September.
Learn More

Loyola Patent Law Interview Program
This annual career fair is held in Chicago.
Learn More.

Mid-Atlantic Black Law Students Association Annual Convention and Job Fair (MABLSA)
Learn More.

National LGBT Bar Association Lavender Law Career Fair
This annual career fair is held in early August.
Learn More.

National Black Prosecutors Association Conference and Job Fair
This annual event is held in July. 
Learn More.

Philadelphia Area Diversity Job Fair (PADJF)
This annual job fair takes place in July. 
Learn More.