Information about Online JD Courses


Online JD courses at the Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law are generally asynchronous but highly interactive courses where great weight is placed on weekly participation in online activities. Although the courses offer a great deal of flexibility in that students may log in and participate at any time during the day, the courses are not self-paced. Students are expected to participate regularly and continually throughout each learning Module in the course, such that contributions only at the beginning or only at the end of a Module will not suffice.


Online courses at the Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law are delivered through the Blackboard Learn system. Students should access Bb Learn directly from this URL; do not access it through DrexelOne. Students are enrolled in a course’s Bb Learn site automatically upon registering for the course; however, the course’s dates of availability are determined by the instructor. To allow students to become familiar with the functionality in the Bb Learn environment, online courses may be accessible up to a week earlier than other semester courses. Students will be notified by the professor of the accessibility date for the course, if it differs from the term start date, via their Drexel email.

Maximum Credits

Students may not apply more than 19 credits of online coursework toward their JD degree.

New York Bar Information

The New York State Board of Law Examiners recently changed their rules to allow for 15 credits of primarily asynchronous online courses. This rule went into effect in December 2014. Students who are considering taking the New York Bar exam and were enrolled in an online course prior to December 2014 should review NY Ct. Rule 520.3 and consult with Dean Oates before registering.