Information Technology Services

Lawtech Support


Lawtech provides assistance to students, faculty and staff for general computing issues (accounts, wireless connectivity, printing,  malware, Drexel software downloads) and law school specific services or applications (including Exam software, Sharepoint, Blackboard  Learn, and TWEN). We do not perform hardware upgrades or replacement. We also cannot contact your hardware vendor on your behalf for warranty issues.

Note: Students are responsible for ensuring that their data is safely backed up prior to requesting technical assistance. We will try to assist students in backing up class related data, but we are not responsible for lost or omitted data.

Requesting Support

Students, faculty and staff may request support by emailing, or students may stop by the Lawtech offices (LRC L324) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays during regular semesters (excludes exam weeks, semester breaks).

Note that, on occasion, the LawTech staff may be called away to assist with issues elsewhere in the building. Alternatively, please feel free to contact lawtech by phone: 215-571-4800. 

Drexel Support Services

Drexel University Information Technology (DUIT) Korman Center Help Desk - Hours and location can be found  at:

The DUIT help desk can assist with general computing issues (accounts, wireless connectivity, computer viruses, Drexel software downloads) but cannot assist with law school specific services or applications. They cannot assist with the Exam software used by the law school.

Drexel-Provided Software

Instructions for accessing the download site can be found  at:

Information on Drexel Accounts

An overview of computer accounts, including how to access your accounts, can be found at:

Guides for connecting to the wireless network

Drexel University provides campus-wide connectivity via three wireless networks.

Students should connect to DragonFly3, which provides the highest bandwidth and security, fewest restrictions, and relief from competing radio interference.

Note: In order to successfully submit exams, wirelessly, via Exam4, students must be connected to the DragonFly3 network.

Information on how to connect to the DragonFly3 network is available at:

Printing & Copying Services

The multi-function printers in the Legal Research Center are available for print and copy jobs and may be accessed from either a Legal Research Center workstation, or wirelessly from your laptop.

Specific information is available at:

Note: The wireless printing system is subject to outage due to routine maintenance procedures. This may affect access to this service. Students experiencing difficulty printing wirelessly should contact LawTech for assistance.


Students may use their personal laptop computers for taking classroom-based or take-home exams. For all exams, students must install Exam4 on their computers.

Detailed information on how to get and use Exam4 is available in Exam Center within Community Property. When prompted to log in, be sure to enter your username in the format (where username is your short Drexel ID, e.g. "abc99") and your Drexel password.