Law School Loan Repayment Programs The purpose of our Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) is to assist and support our graduates who pursue careers in the public interest. This program acknowledges that indebtedness poses a significant obstacle to our students interested in public service careers and demonstrates our action in addressing this urgent problem. Given the rising cost of higher education and the accompanying debt burden, a career in the public interest is often not feasible without financial assistance. We created the LRAP as a way to provide our graduates with the option of considering work in lower paying public interest or public service positions by reducing some of the financial barriers that may prevent them from following this career path. The LRAP provides our students with greater flexibility when making career decisions by offering partial loan forgiveness to applicants who work in qualifying, law-related employment in the public sector. A standing LRAP committee chooses recipients and awards are renewable annually up to the maximum number of years of participation. These forgivable loans are structured to help our graduates repay a portion of their educational debt. We hope that the LRAP will have a positive impact on both our students and the legal communities in which the students practice. The goal of the program is to enable our graduates to accept jobs and continue working in the public sector while also helping the public interest organizations pursue their vital mission by recruiting, hiring and keeping the best legal talent available. Handbook, Application and Forms: LRAP Handbook LRAP Application Lender Verification Employer Certification Promissory Note Loan Forgiveness Application Exit Form