Directions and Nearby Hotels & Parking

3320 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104


From New York and Northern New Jersey

From Princeton, Trenton and Points North

From Western Pennsylvania

From Northeastern Pennsylvania

From Philadelphia International Airport and Points South

Public Transportation

From Philadelphia International Airport

Directions from 30th Street Station


The Drexel Garage is located next to the law school. Proceed to 34th and Market Streets - there is a traffic light there - (you'll also pass the Law School Building on your left before the light). Turn left onto 34th Street - and make an immediate left onto the next street - Ludlow Street. Turn immediately left up to the entrance ramp to the garage on Ludlow Street. Park, note your place number, and pay at the lobby kiosk. Come down the elevator, exit the building and walk right. The law school is immediately to the right of the garage, just past the front of the parking garage.

Metered parking is also available on many of the surrounding streets. The meters accept quarters, dimes and nickels for timed parking.