Application Notices & Legal Disclosures

Public Law 93-380: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Drexel University abides by the provisions of Public Law 93-380, which grants the student the right to examine admission files that are part of the student's permanent "Educational Record." Please note that "Applicants for Admission" are not granted rights under this legislation. Once an "Applicant for Admission" becomes a "Student" by enrolling and attending Drexel, any admission file that becomes a part of the student's permanent "Educational Record" becomes available to the student for review. Applicants should understand that only the transcripts, CEEB, SAT, Achievement Test Score Reports, and those portions of the application generated by the student will become part of the student's permanent "Educational Record" upon enrollment.

No other information or material gathered or submitted in the admission process will be retained as part of the student's permanent "Educational Record." Statements or evaluations provided by any individual do not become part of the student's permanent "Educational Record" and will not be available for the student's review.

Access Privileges and Property Rights

All documents that you submit, or are submitted on your behalf, in support of this application for admission to Drexel University become the property of the University and will under no circumstances be released to you or any other party. In accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, all admission decisions are given to the applicant only, in the form of a decision letter from the Office of Admissions. No decisions on applications are revealed over the telephone.

Notice of Availability of Annual Security Report

Drexel University, in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), publishes an annual report for current and prospective students and employees. This report contains important safety information and crime statistics for the previous three years. These statistics pertain to reported crimes that have occurred on campus in certain non-campus buildings, or properties that are owned or controlled by Drexel University, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus.

Visit Drexel's Clery Act reporting page to download a copy of the most recent report. Printed copies of this report are also available by calling the Public Safety Administrative Office at 215-895-1550.

For more information about the services provided by the Drexel University Department of Public Safety, please visit the Department of Public Safety website.

Equal Opportunity Policy

It is the policy of Drexel University to provide a working and learning environment in which employees and students may realize their full potential as productive members of the Drexel community. Drexel University affirms its commitment to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in employment and education for all qualified individuals regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, sexual preference, disability, or applicable veteran status. Further, Drexel University pledges to act affirmatively in providing access to employment, benefits, facilities, and other University-administered programs to women and members of racial and ethnic minorities in recognition of the many benefits that accrue to the University as a result of their diverse experiences, cultural heritage, and perspectives that enrich the University learning experience. All Drexel University employees, administrators, faculty, and staff, as well as students, are expected to cooperate fully in meeting these legal and ethical obligations.

Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs, Drexel University, 3201 Arch Street, Suite 210, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

Accommodations for Campus Guests With Disabilities

If a person who has a disability needs an accommodation or service in order to fully participate in the admission process at Drexel University, they must contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) to make a formal request. ODS can be contacted at 215-895-1401, 215-895-2299 (TTY), or via email at For additional information about the admission process and disability services, visit the Office of Disability Resources.