We are fully aware of and understand that virtually all students enrolled during the COVID-19 pandemic experienced significant disruption in their living and learning arrangements. We are also aware that many schools changed their grading systems to allow or require Pass/Fail grades in lieu of their traditional grading systems and will not penalize any applicant for presenting Pass/Fail grades. LSAC will place a letter in the CAS report of every applicant enrolled during spring 2020, reminding all law schools of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the population and on higher education.
Yes. In light of COVID-19, the LSAT is offering an online, remotely-proctored version of the LSAT — called the LSAT-Flex — in May 2020 for test takers who were registered for the March and April 2020 test. The Kline School of Law will accept this score and review it in the same way we review the live exam.
Yes. We only require one score, but you may report as many scores as you'd like. We will only accept official GRE score reports from ETS. Please indicate Drexel University Kline School of Law as a score report recipient using our designated institution code of 4120. For more information about reporting GRE scores, see the ETS website. We will utilize the ETS GRE Comparison for Law School tool to assess GRE scores for admission. Note, if you have taken or take the LSAT during the application process in addition to the GRE, you will be deemed an LSAT candidate, and your GRE score will not be considered.
We take a holistic approach to the admissions process. We read and review everything that is in an applicant’s file and no one component is more important than the other. We look for a well-rounded student. An ideal candidate has a strong, but diverse, academic backgrounds that prepares them well for the rigors of law school, so we take a close look at their academic profile – their LSAT or GRE, GPA and curriculum. However, we’re also looking for students who will be active members of our community and thrive in our experiential education opportunities. Therefore, we also take the information shared in the applicant’s resume, letters of recommendation and personal statement into consideration. Ideal candidates are leaders in their respective undergraduate institutions and volunteers in their communities or individuals who bring a variety of work experience and advanced degrees. In essence, we are looking for students who are able to handle the academic challenges of law school, while becoming active members of our community.
We take the entire academic profile into consideration, and that includes major and curriculum. The curriculum and the student’s choice of courses tells us more than just looking at the major. We want to make sure students are taking challenging courses that strengthen their critical thinking, analytical thinking and writing skills.
While we see the scores from all the exams, as well as the average, we take the higher score when considering a student for admission.
Applicants should use their personal statement to tell us more about their passions, motivations and goals and try to tie it into how law school can help them achieve these goals. It should tell the admissions committee something about the applicant that we can’t gather from the rest of the application. The personal statement does not necessarily have to be tailored to our school. However, if an applicant is interested in a particular aspect of our law school, they could highlight why that program interests them and how it can help them achieve their goals. The personal statement is also used to gauge the applicant's writing skills, so personal statements that are submitted with numerous spelling and grammatical errors do not sit well with the committee. We don’t usually limit the applicants to certain topics, but we do suggest being cautious about how they discuss or frame sensitive topics such as politics and religion, since they may not necessarily know exactly who their “audience” might be.
Students should write an addendum if they feel that there is information they need to share with the Admissions Committee that isn’t included in any other part of the application – such as a drop in GPA or an explanation for a low LSAT. The addendum should be no more than 1 or 2 paragraphs and should only state the facts.
Applications completed on or before November 15 will receive a decision no later than January 15. All other applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis with the bulk of decisions being released in February and March. Please review our
admissions deadlines.
Students on our waitlist are truly viable candidates that we are ready to admit should space in the class open up. We do not rank our waitlist and all candidates are reviewed once again should we need to activate our waitlist. Students have the choice to accept our offer to remain on our waitlist, and only students who have indicated an interest in remaining on our waitlist will be considered. For the most part, students do not need to send anything in; they’ve already given us all the information we need. However, they are more than welcome to send a letter of interest or an update if something significant has changed in their file.