Frequently Asked Questions
What is a "law review" anyway?
Law reviews are an important institution in legal education and also the legal community at large. Professors and other scholars submit articles on novel topics for publication and student-run law reviews choose, edit, and publish the articles.
Drexel Law Review is a general-interest law review, which means our articles aren't limited by a specific doctrinal topic. Although we accept articles from a variety of doctrinal areas, we limit our selection to the theme of our symposium when we publish a symposium edition.
Why should I care about Drexel Law Review?
The most obvious answer to this question is that employers care about law review, so you should too. Many firms, chambers, and government jobs require or strongly prefer law review membership in order to even get an interview. But that is an oversimplified answer.
Law review provides students with an opportunity to actively contribute to the legal field. Executive Board members pick the articles that we publish. Editing ensures reliability and accuracy. You'll learn what it takes to be a good legal writer by reading good legal writing, and, let's face it, the legal profession is a writing profession.
There are other perks of membership. You have the option of being compensated for your hard work with two to four course credits per year depending on your involvement. You can use your Note to satisfy your WUL requirement. You'll meet and greet distinguished practitioners at our symposium. You'll become an expert on whatever topic you choose to write your Note about. You'll be part of the elite group that almost every professor at Kline School of Law was part of while in law school.
If I get on law review, what work will I be required to do?
Staff members have two major commitments. First, you will be required to help prepare articles for publication. Second, you will be required to author a publication quality Note. A final requirement is that you attend one community service event as a representative of law review.
Preparing articles for publication requires weekly assignments. We expect you to spend at least 12 hours per week on editing at the beginning of the process. Every citation is checked for accuracy and every line of text is checked for style. By the end stages of the editing process, you will only be required to spend around 6 hours per week on editing.
The Note requirement spans almost the entire school year. You are required to author a 30 page Note on a topic of your choice. You may use the Note to fulfill the WUL requirement. All student Notes are considered for publication and a few are selected to be published in Drexel Law Review alongside articles written by distinguished authors. Even if your note isn't published in Drexel Law Review, you are encouraged to submit it to writing competitions and other journals for publication.
We can't promise that the work won't stress you out sometimes, but we can promise that we'll try our best to manage the work to make your experience as pleasant as possible.
What type of training will I get?
We use the Bluebook and the Chicago Manual of Style for editing. We will host several workshops in the spring semester, but the real training will occur at a session in the summer.
Law review is absolutely right for you, no matter what type of practice you plan on having.
The skills underlying your responsibilities on law review are attention to detail and time management, which is why employers value law review membership.
If you're already a master at those skills—great! We can definitely use people like you!
If you think there is no way you could ever master those skills—EVEN BETTER! We want to show you how to tap into your full potential.
Can I do more than one co-curricular at a time?
You are allowed to participate in one other co-curricular in addition to law review. Keep in mind that all three co-curriculars require a time commitment. Unlike moot court and trial team, you are the owner of the time you spend on your law review commitment and can schedule it whenever is convenient for you. That being said, when meetings are scheduled or deadlines are set, your participation is expected and required regardless of your other co-curricular.
How do I become a board member?
The current Executive Board chooses the next Executive Board in the spring semester. Executive Board members must have the skills and desire to continue Drexel Law Review’s tradition of excellence. If you are interested in becoming an Executive Board member, you should demonstrate your interest by providing high quality work, volunteering for extra responsibility, and being a good team player. After applying for a position (or positions), the current Board will survey all the members for input on the candidates. The current Board will interview candidates and extend offers.
Executive Board membership is not the only avenue for contribution in DLR’s legacy. All second year DLR members are required to be part of a standing committee, so all 3Ls have the opportunity for leadership. In addition to Lead Editor positions, 3Ls serve on Research & Production, Membership & Recruitment, Notes, and Symposium committees.
I'm not sure I want to be on law review yet. Should I do the write-on competition anyway?
Absolutely. If you instantly regret writing on (which you won't), you can decline our offer. If you instantly regret NOT writing on, you'll have to wait a full year before your next opportunity to join. Remember that employers are scrutinizing your resume during that year, so you'll want law review to be set in stone by the end of your 1L summer.
What are the components of the Write-On Competition?
The main portion of a student's score is derived from the legal problem. A secondary source of points comes from a personal statement. Anonymity is paramount, so students must remove any identifying information from the personal statement. The personal statement will be considered in conjunction with your composition in response to the legal problem.
Please visit the TWEN site and attend workshops in the spring semester for more information.
How is the Write-On Competition graded?
Your compositions will be graded by Executive Board members. We will use a rubric to give you a point score.
Does my GPA matter?
In life? No. People will stop asking you about your law school grades in a few years.
To make law review? Probably not. Unlike some other schools, we don't think that your GPA is necessarily a representation of what you bring to the table. We value your commitment to law review, which we will judge using the compositions that you submit during the Write-On Competition.
The first 50% of membership offers are extended to the authors of the top scoring composition in response to the legal problem, regardless of the author's GPA. The second 50% of offers are extended to members based on the combined score of both the legal composition and personal statement. GPA will only be considered if a decision cannot be made based on the legal composition and personal statement.
In fact, if your GPA isn't as strong as you think it should be, you should definitely Write-On to law review. Law review can help strengthen your resume and hone some of the skills you need to bring up your exam grades. We all know that closed book exam grades may not always reflect what you're truly capable of, and the Write-On Competition is a time when you can prove that to yourself and others.