Drexel Law Review: Becoming a Member

Member Selection

Drexel Law Review members are selected by the Executive Board through an anonymously graded Write-On Competition. The Write-On Competition is open to all rising second and third year students and typically takes place immediately after final exams in May. Look out for announcements regarding Write-On procedures and information during the spring semester.

The Write-On is designed to assess writing, analytical, and editing skills through a closed-universe legal problem. Compositions will be blindly graded. Although the main portion of a student’s score is derived from the legal problem, students are asked to submit a personal statement. Anonymity is paramount, so students must remove any identifying information from the personal statement. The personal statement will be considered in conjunction with your composition in response to the legal problem.

Interested students should refer to the Write-On Competition TWEN site and attend Write-On Competition Workshops during the spring semester for more information.

The first 50% of membership offers are extended to the authors of the top scoring composition in response to the legal problem, regardless of the author’s GPA. The second 50% of offers are extended to members based on the combined score of both the legal composition and personal statement. GPA will only be considered if a decision cannot be made based on the legal composition and personal statement.

Member Responsibilities

Drexel Law Review is managed by the Executive Board, a group of 10 third-year law students. Executive Board members select articles for publication, direct the research and editing process, and plan our annual Symposium.

About 40 second- and third-year students are Associate Editors and Staff Members. Through membership, students develop and improve their research, writing, and editing skills.

Staff Members are first-year members and either second- or third-year law students. Their primary responsibility is editing publishable content. At the beginning of the editing process, Staff Members must spend at least 12 hours per week readying content for publication. The final editing rounds only require about six hours of work per week.

Staff Members are also required to compose a note, which will be considered for publication in Drexel Law Review. This is an opportunity to research and write about a legally relevant topic that interests you. Staff members are eligible to receive two credits per year.

Associate Editors are second-year members and third-year law students. All returning  members who are not on the Executive Board are Associate Editors. Associate Editors are required to edit and must serve on one of the standing committees (Lead Editors, Research & Production, Membership & Recruitment, Notes, or Symposium). With the exception of Lead editors, Associate Editors rank their requests for standing committees. Lead Editors are recommended by the previous Executive Board. Associate Editors are eligible for two credits per year, except for Lead Editors who may receive three credits.

The Executive Board is chosen by the previous volume’s board with consideration given to members’ opinions. The Executive Board is made up of the following positions: Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Articles Editors, Research Editor, Production Editor, Notes Editor, Symposium Editor, Membership & Recruitment Editor, and Online Media Content Editor.