JD-Master of Science in Public Policy Program

Amid demographic, economic, political and environmental change, leaders in either the public or private sector require insight and analysis grounded in policy, democratic process and the law. The overlapping roles of public agencies and private organizations create a wide range of issues that raise legal challenges and opportunities.

Our JD-Master of Science in Public Policy Program gives students a strong foundation in research, analysis, economics and law in tandem with hands-on learning and networking opportunities with non-profit organizations and government agencies throughout the Delaware Valley.

Students take courses at the law school and Drexel's College of Arts & Sciences (Center for Public Policy), earning degrees from both. In addition to acquiring basic skills in the two disciplines, students gain a unique perspective on legal research and its application in legal practice.

Our faculty features widely recognized scholars whose expertise covers a range of topics in public policy. Course offerings include Essentials of Economics, Econometrics, Case Study Research, Constitutional Law, Theory and Practice of Policy Analysis and a Lawyering Practice Seminar.

Length of the Program

3 - 4 years

Admissions Process

Students may apply at any point during their first or second year in the JD program. No standardized tests are required. To apply, students will complete the release form. The Center for Public Policy will request the student’s law admissions materials for review, so the student need not re-order these materials or request them.


Students spend their first year or two years full-time in Law, then leave the law school for one academic year to pursue the MS full-time, after which they return to the law school to complete remaining credits. The programs share credits such that students must complete a minimum of 79 Law credits (rather than 85) and a minimum of 36 Public Policy credits (rather than 45). Students must complete all specific course requirements in both programs, as well as the 50 pro bono hours required for the JD. Students are not permitted to take Summer quarter courses in Public Policy due to academic calendar regulations.


Financial Awards

The Center for Public Policy offers Dean’s Fellowships to JD/MSPP students. This is awarded separately from any Law scholarship. Tuition and fee rates can be found here.


A 2.5 minimum cumulative law GPA is required for acceptance to the MS as part of this program. Students’ acceptance prior to Law matriculation may be conditional on this GPA. Students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA in the Center for Public Policy, with no course grade below a “B”, to remain in good standing and complete the program. For the 6 semester credits (9 quarter credits) in Law that the Center for Public Policy will accept toward the MS, the student must earn a minimum grade of “B”. Students must maintain a 2.20 cumulative GPA in the Kline School of Law to remain in good standing and complete the program.