School of Law In-house Marketing and Communication Services

The Kline School of Law Office of Marketing and Communication offers writing, design, publicity, production and print consulting services for all internal and external communications, including brochures, invitations, programs, banners, posters, electronic signs (e-signs), advertisements, web pages and photography.

These services are for all faculty, staff and approved student events.

How to Submit a Project Request

If you have a project that you would like our assistance with, we’d be happy to help you! Please provide us with as much detail as you can by completing the Work Request form.

Please budget the appropriate amount of time for production. Reference the table below for estimated project turnaround times. If your project has a mailing component, please allow up to an additional eight weeks after printing for mailing time.

We will be in touch with you as soon as your form is received, and will keep you informed of the status of your project as it moves through the production process. If you do not receive an email confirmation within two business days of submitting your form, please contact Brian Crooks at

You do not need to use this form to request routine web edits (e.g., faculty profile updates, file uploads or changes to web copy). Instead, email Purnell Cropper at

Work Request Form

Please know that filling out this request form is not a guarantee that we will be able to handle your project. We will review it and let you know as soon as possible if we will be able to partner with you. If the project is complex, we will follow up with a meeting to help assess your needs and goals.

Production Time

Job Type Estimated Production Time: Simple Estimated Production Time: Complex
Advertisement 2 weeks 4 weeks
Brochure/Program 2 weeks 4 weeks
Promotional Item (Swag) 2 weeks N/A
Poster 2 weeks N/A
Invitation 2 weeks 3 weeks
Flyer (8.5 X 11 one side) 2 weeks N/A
New Web Page(s) 2 weeks N/A
Online Event Registration 2 weeks 3 weeks

Please add up to an additional 5 weeks if your job needs to be produced by a commercial printer/supplier.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare my text?

All text should be submitted in a Word document with minimal formatting. Bold and italic text is fine, but complicated columns, tables or tabs will not translate into the design software we use. The designer assigned to the job will format the text appropriately.

Does text need to be copyedited?

All jobs with a large amount of text (such as programs) require copyediting. When workload will not allow us to handle copyediting in-house, our office will make arrangements with a freelance copy editor on your behalf, and the work will be charged to you.

How do I submit speaker headshots and other artwork for posters, programs, and brochures?

Please ask each participant to submit a JPEG that is 300 dpi and at least 5x7 inches. Images taken from the web cannot be used because they will look pixelated on the printed materials and e-sign monitors.

How do I submit co-sponsor logos?

Always ask for EPS (vector) file format for your co-sponsor logo(s). As with speaker headshots, please avoid taking images from the web.