Truthout Cites Abortion Terrorism Book by Professor David S. Cohen and Alumna Krysten Connon

March 16, 2015

In an article discussing the violent nature of abortion clinic protestors, Truthout highlighted the work of Professor David S. Cohen and alumna Krysten Connon who interviewed nearly 100 abortion providers for their book "Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-abortion Terrorism."

Despite media coverage of only significant violent events, "threats, harassment, targeting and terrorizing are increasing" outside of abortion clinics, Cohen told Truthout. "Everyday occurrences - like home pickets, hate mail, veiled threats, personalized verbal attacks" are pervasive and just as detrimental to clinics as significantly violent events, Cohen said.  "The problem is that these more everyday occurrences can have devastating effects on providers given that almost all providers have some sort of collective memory about the violence that has occurred to others in their profession," Cohen said. "And for some providers, as the Feminist Majority Foundation has found in the past, these kinds of personalized attacks cause them to leave the field, ultimately decreasing access to abortion."

Cohen and Connon's thoughts on the subject as well as some more background on their book are discussed further in this article on OUPblog

Besides focusing on violence against abortion providers, David S. Cohen’s scholarship explores the intersection of constitutional law and gender, emphasizing sex segregation and masculinity.  In a March 16 Philadelphia Inquirer article about LGBT rights law, Cohen noted that the law school has incorporated courses concerning sexual orientation, like his "Sex, Gender and the Law" class, since its inception.